Welcome to the home of the Hornby Island Mountain Bike Association. We have a lot going on: HIMBA co-ordinates volunteer trail building and maintenance days;  looks after the MTB Skills Center at Joe King Park; distributes the trail map for Hornby Island, and every now and again, puts on one of the best bike races in Canada. Check the left sidebar for our latest activity.

NEWS FLASH!!! HIMBA was named in a lawsuit in 2021 and that sidelined us for several years. We worked hard to prove that we should not have been named in the first place and were finally removed from the case in the fall of 2023. This was an extremely stressful time for the HIMBA board, and we are very glad that it is behind us.


A short documentary video made by Jesse Devost chronicling BikeFest 5 which took place in Strachan Valley on Hornby Island in 1995
Two Years later we made another documentary about BikeFest 1997